The effectiveness of using electronic mental maps to teach a course of the principles of mass communication:

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Educational Media, Faculty of Specific Education - Port Said University.


The study aims to measure the effectiveness of using electronic mental maps to teach a course on the principles of communication with the masses among students of the Department of Educational Media at the Faculty of Specific Education, Port Said University. Their ages are between (18-19) years of those studying the principles of communication with the masses, and the researcher used the experimental method and the results of the study
The results showed the effect of using the explanation and model for the control group, as it led to a clear improvement in cognitive achievement and teaching the course on principles of communication with the masses, and statistically significant differences appeared between the pre and post measurements of the control group in favor of the post measurement.
- The use of electronic mental maps to teach a course the principles of communication with the masses showed a remarkable improvement in the cognitive achievement of the course, as the results indicated that there are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements of the experimental group in favor of the post measurement.
