Smart power strategy in the discourse of the Chinese press issued in Arabic language towards the Egyptian-Chinese relations

Document Type : Original Article


Teacher at Cairo university – faculty of mass communication


The study raises a major question: To what extent has the Chinese press, directed in the Arabic language in question, contributed to employing smart power? Why did China turn to Egypt with smart power tools? What are the mechanisms that were employed and the determinants of their formation in light of the press and societal variables surrounding the Chinese newspapers' discourses under study? Through an analytical study of the letters of "China Today" magazine and "The People's Daily" in the Arabic language during the study period (from September 2018 to September 2019).
The study concluded that the economic arm and cultural relations represent the strongest arms in the Chinese smart power strategies towards Egypt, to achieve the comprehensive partnership between the two countries.
The speech of the newspapers under study emphasized that the "Belt and Road" initiative represents one of the main pillars of the Egyptian state's economic discourse. As for the cultural arm, despite the difference between the Chinese and Egyptian cultures, there are common denominators between the ethics and values ​​system in the two cultures.
