Frameworks of Websites treatment of the role of official Egyptian institutions in confronting rumors and their implications for expatriate attitudes towards them:

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Media at Al-Ahlia University, Kingdom of Bahrain


The study aims to identify the frameworks for dealing with the website and the seventh day and the Egyptians of the role of official institutions in confronting rumors and the repercussions of this role on the expatriate public in light of the events taking place in Egypt after the events of January 25, 2011
The study reached many results, the most important of which are:
The category of subject frameworks used on the seventh day's website and the Egyptians - in order - is divided as follows: Humanitarian frameworks at 55.74%, Responsibility frameworks 52.19%, Economic results frameworks 40.08%, Ethical frameworks 39.04%, Conflict frameworks 32.78%
Expatriates are distributed in the Arab Gulf states according to the most important rumors that the news focused on on the seventh day's website and the Egyptians - in order - as follows: the new educational system at 75.64%, the foreign currency rate by 53.85%, citizens' savings by 51.92%, customs and taxes at 47.76% %, Employees' vacations by 41.67%, and those with C virus by 34.62%.
