Trends of the political article in Al-Hayat newspaper towards political events in the Arab world during 2011

Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Media and Vice Dean of the College of Social Sciences - Umm Al-Qura University.


The problem of the study is limited to identifying the trends of the political article in Al-Hayat Al-Dawliya newspaper, which occupied the political arena in the Arab world during the year 2011 AD and was silenced by what the political article saw in terms of the causes of events and ways of treatment and what it has written about the ways out of the impasse threatening the Arab world
The study pointed out that the political article in Al-Hayat newspaper emphasized that these revolutions have positive and negative consequences. Among its positive aspects is breaking the barrier of fear among the people, leaving the leaders not good, and making other rulers aware of the peoples' ability and ability to change, corresponding to some negative consequences such as fear of chaos .
The study indicated that there are several solutions that must be taken into consideration, such as understanding the leaderships and giving the masses to the elected governments the opportunity to come after that accountability, and to accommodate some for dialogue and negotiation if the dialogue will lead to overcoming crises.
The political article in Al-Hayat newspaper was distinguished by its honesty, objectivity and comprehensiveness, and it showed the fairness of Islamic forces and an emphasis on the positive aspects of Islamic groups that should not be neglected
