Determinants of education and training for data journalism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor, Department of Journalism and Digital Media, College of Communication and Media - King Abdulaziz University - Jeddah


The late technological developments have imposed themselves on the field of journalism that have brought it closer to a multidisciplinary field such as digital data.  The major dilemma in data journalism is not in integrating technology into professional practice, but rather in preparing journalists who are able to deal with these technological tools. In which they are qualified to convert numbers into data-driven stories. This study aimed to monitor reality of data journalism education and training in Saudi Arabia. To do this, the current research examined understanding and perception of academics and professionals in Saudi universities and news media organisations of the concept of data journalism, associated skills, equipment’s, and technical tools. The study used online questionnaire that was sent to random sample available among media professors and professionals in Saudi Arabia. The main results of the current study showed that large percentage of academics have never taught specialized courses in the field of data journalism. They also have different perceptions about the concept of data journalism compared to professionals. The study also showed that understanding data processing software is the basis for professional practice in the field of data journalism. This software ranges between ease and difficulty, some of which are known to those who specialize in data analysis and others are commonly used among specialists. The lack interest amongst press organisations is the main obstacle to expanding training in this new stream of data journalism.
